Sony Playstation. TVE, Discovery, Boing.
Branded Content
Launch of family videogames, Brand repositioning.
Leading the charge to reach the family target to reposition the Brand and achieve new product sales.
Playstation has dominated the universe of video games and its legacy is an important part of our modern culture. Playstation has trusted Zoopa for more than ten years to create its branded content. Each video game is a story that impacts a certain audience in a specific territory. Villains change, challenges change, media or formats may change. The stories also vary, but in all these projects the hero is always the player.
Playstation has dominated the universe of video games and its legacy is an important part of our modern culture. Playstation has trusted Zoopa for more than ten years to create its branded content. Each video game is a story that impacts a certain audience in a specific territory. Villains change, challenges change, media or formats may change. The stories also vary, but in all these projects the hero is always the player.
Playstation ha dominado el universo de los videojuegos y lo ha convertido en el pilar de nuestra cultrua que es hoy. Playstation ha confiado en Zoopa desde hace más de diez años para crear su branded content. Cada videojuego es una historia que impacta para un determinado publico en un territorio concreto. Cambian los villanos, cambian los retos, cambian los medios o los formatos,. También varían las historias, pero en todos estos proyectos el héroe siempre eres tú.
The Uncharted videogame theme led us to the creation of a Discovery Channel branded content, ‘Waytrippers’ which, through travels around the planet, lit the adventurous flame of this great video game.
We worked as a team with Adidas in creativity and develop techniques for shooting and an intense post-production work for the different media and formats of the campaign.
Our second branded content, PlayStation “Play Sports”, was the most watched show on Boing on Christmas driving sales for this fantastic game.